Monday, May 14, 2007


Many years ago, I heard of the idea of a 'gratitude journal.' I've never actually started one, but it's stayed in the back of my mind all this time. After celebrating mother's day and reflecting on everything that has transpired since I've become a mother, I've vowed to start a gratitude journal. The biggest thing I think about when it comes down to writing in a gratitude journal is that there are so many things in my day that I should be grateful for- but end up not paying attention to or forgetting about. So, in between the adoption updates I'll be sharing a bit of my 'gratitude' entries here for you to see.

I'll begin by back-dating to yesterday, Mother's Day 2007.
I'm grateful for:
a husband who tells me "I'm so happy you're my wife- I love our life."
children who sleepily come to me- just crawling out of bed- to get their morning hugs& kisses
a home of our own that we can be comfortable in & extend hospitality to others
the ability to call half way around the world to hear my son say, "Happy Mother's Day, Mum!"
a heart that God uses & continues to grow an amazing love for my husband and ALL of our children
a spirit of contentment that I finally have after previous years of knowing and feeling "I'm missing something..."

Faith is not in understanding; Faith is yielding to God's will, Resting on His word of promise in assurance calm and still. Faith is looking unto Jesus, trusting where it cannot see, Faith is resting on His promise. Faith is glorious victory.

"One who trusts in the Lord is secure." Proverbs 29: 25

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Faith is nothing at all tangible. It is simply believing God!

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