Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random thoughts

He said, "Man, honey, you sure were snoring loud last night. You only do that when you're really, really tired!" She said, "Yea....I know."

~How can the laundry baskets be empty mid-day and then be overflowing before bed? I do 2-3 loads every day and there's still clothes! It's like a bottomless pit... Have you seen that commercial where the HUGE ball of clothes comes rolling at the mom when she's in her backyard? Yea, that's me...

~Thank the good Lord I was born with a personality that makes me want to be organized and to multi-task well. My days start at 6am and end around 10-11pm and I usually accomplish a few things and keep the house from looking like a tornado went through here. I'm trying to make lunch time more exciting with a wider variety of food...we usually resort to leftovers or sandwiches. I've been trying to menu plan for dinners (by the week) and write it on one of our dry erase boards so the kids can see what we're eating for the week. It's working out good, it saves me having to answer about 20 of the 1000 questions per day.

~Why is the traffic so bad going to the schools in the morning? Why doesn't the bus come to our driveway- like normal families? Why do we have to live on 'the line' of the other school district so it's close...but not close enough? How do I manage to keep up with having kids in 4 different types of schools (homeschool, private school, public school & military academy). **I can answer that...a really BIG calendar with lots of room to write things! :)

~You've seen me blog about the show Jon & Kate plus 8. I just watched a new episode the other night and realized that they've been married like 1 week longer than hubby and I!! Oh my goodness...I guess we really are in our 30's...and we really do have 8 kids...

~I was in Walmart a few days ago with just the 4 littlest ones (it was during the day when the others were in public/private school). A man stopped me and said, "I just wanted to commend you for the great job you're doing. You're handing this way better than most moms with one or two children." I thanked him for the compliment and said (just so I could see the look on his face), "And I have 4 more that aren't with me right now!" I think his jaw hit his shoes... hehe It was a really nice compliment and it made me realize I might be doing just something least the kids were behaving at that moment.

~We're getting ready for a visit from a friend from Africa. It's actually my 'sister' and hubby, the kids and grandma stayed with her and her family in Africa. She's only here for 3 weeks in the States. Hopefully she'll be able to stay in AR. for a week or so before she heads back to Liberia. It's awesome how God works...she was 'adopted' by grandma when grandma lived in Africa. When hubby met her, he told her that the two of us are a lot alike-very strong and independent women. I'm very excited to meet another sister that God has given who shares my passions and who is just a few years older than me. A sister who lives on the other side of the world...whom I've never met. It truly is a small world!

~My princess girl turns 3 on Friday. Man, where did that time go? She's such a joy- she keeps us laughing (or shaking our heads) all the time! She was helping me hang up clothes on the line this morning and said, "Mama, I do it." She had drug her own laundry basket outside with a few towels and wash cloths in it. I had to pick her up to reach the line and then she tried to pin it up there. I worked the clothes pin for her and then set her down. We clapped and I said, "You are so big, you did it!" She said to me, "I told you mom."


hsmomma said...

Ok, so like, how do you get the clothes baskets empty?? Mine never seem to reach that. Everytime I get close, I blink and they are overflowing again!

Anonymous said...

Go Mom!!! yeah You are one of the Super mom I know. I can keep up my one child and myself.... I always say ' I forgot something... I do not know what.' a ha ha God made you Super. It is a fair time Does your family have any plan? My baby will have a big event tomorrow. Happy Birthday Princess. You are sure grow up. I loved when you are born.. I love you more. You are sure star in your family.

Yukiko said...
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Yukiko said...

Go Mom!!! yeah You are one of the Super mom I know. I can NOT keep up my one child and myself.... I always say ' I forgot something... I do not know what.' a ha ha God made you Super. It is a fair time Does your family have any plan? My baby will have a big event tomorrow. Happy Birthday Princess. You are sure grow up. I loved when you are born.. I love you more. You are sure star in your family.

I am sorry I am having a problem with my computer. Oooooops Sorry.