Jesus- Mt 1:25
Almighty- Rev 1:8
Alpha Omega- Rev 1:8
Beginning & End- Rev 1:8
First & Last- Rev 1:11
Amen- Rev 3:14
Anointed One- Ps 2:2
Beloved- Eph 1:6
Bread of Life- Jn 6:48
Cornerstone- Eph 2:20
Deliverer- Ro 11:26
Everlasting Father- Isa 9:6
Faithful & True- Rev 19:11
Good Shepherd- Jn 10:11
High Priest- Heb 4:14
Holy One- Ps 16:10
I Am- Jn 8:58
Immanuel- Mt 1:23
King of Kings, Lord of Lords- Rev 19:16
The Light- Jn 8:12
Lamb of God- Jn 1:29
Living Stone- 1Pe 2:4
Lord Jesus Christ- Ro 1:7
Messiah- Jn 1:41
Mighty God- Isa 9:6
Prince of peace- Isa 9:6
Redeemer- Isa 59:20
Resurrection & the life- Jn 11:25
Savior- Lk 2:11
Son of the most high- Lk 1:32
The Rock- 1 Co 10:4
The Way, truth & life- Jn 14:6
Wonderful counselor- Isa 9:6
Word of Life- 1Jn 1:1
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