Friday, March 11, 2011

Can you help me out?

Hey there! :)

Can you help a girl out? Will you 'follow' my blog? If you're not sure how, hit the word 'follow' over there on the right. Then, fill out the info in the little box with a Google account, etc. That will make you an official follower. As of now, there are 6 of you (thank you!). But, I need 25 minimum in a quick hurry (2 weeks) to complete the application process for The Old Schoolhouse Crew. The TOS Crew reviews homeschool curriculum and I've wanted to join for 2 years! I'll be Facebook-ing about it too and may even join the Twitter world so I can tweet. So, would you show me some blog love and follow me?

1 comment:

Jems From Jenny said...

I'm following girl! Best of luck to you!!! :)

Jenny Stephens