Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am blessed....

...to be at home!

When I drove two of our kiddos to school today, I was noticing all of the empty, dark houses. The houses where all the adults work and either there are no children there or all the children are off to school/daycare. I thought about how it's only for a few hours at night when everyone gathers back at home. Some families stay there until bedtime, others have activities to attend. Some families eat at home and some eat out. After all the running is done, each family member falls into bed and sleeps until the sun rises the next day. The process starts all over again.

This realization is why I'm feeling so blessed.
~I am blessed that our small children can sleep until their bodies are ready to wake up.
~I am blessed that I can start our day in my pjs and shower when I have a free moment instead of running around trying to beat the clock.
~I am blessed that if I want to start a project, I can plan it into my day and still have all the mess out of the way by the time everyone comes home and gathers in the evening.
~I am blessed that our house is lively and 'lived in.'
~I am blessed that it drives me crazy there is 'kids' stuff everywhere. Some people pray and pray for children and never have even 1.
~I am blessed to clean up dirt, mud, mountains of laundry and dishes, as well as the pile of shoes that accumulate every night by the door.
~I am blessed that when people drive by our house during the day, they see kids playing in the yard, animals running around. They see 'life' happening here.
~I am blessed that I have a husband who works as hard as he does so that I can be the kind of mom I want to be.
~I am blessed that when my husband comes home with two of his co-workers to grab something at the shop, I can make them a quick pancake breakfast with coffee and juice.
~I am blessed that when my family comes back to the house at the end of the day, they are relaxed and rejuvenated. I want this to be a safe-haven and they agree that it is.

I am blessed....to be at home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am blessed to have a friend who can bring tears of joy to me (often!!!) and makes me appreciate the small things in life.

