Monday, August 20, 2012

Vocabulary Spelling City--TOS Review

Vocabulary is an interactive game-based website that will help your Elementary, Middle, and High School Student with their Vocabulary, Spelling, Writing, Parts of Speech, Handwriting, Alphabetical Order. I was all about this review, the kids on the other hand weren't so sure. Even though they were skeptical, they actually enjoyed using this program. Anything to help in this area and make it fun is a huge bonus for this family!

The creators of Vocabulary offered us a one year premium membership to use in our homeschool for the review. I'm super grateful for this because now we can continue on and use this throughout our school year. I have 2 kiddos who have had a hard time with alphabetical order so I'm excited to continually use this resource. Another child has a hard time with the parts of speech and yet another child despises handwriting. I think Vocabulary SpellingCITY was made for us!

Another thing I enjoyed in this program were the training videos. These videos help to explain things in a video format, this is customer service at its finest. Talk about user friendly!


Visit the Vocabulary SpellingCITY website for information on Classroom or School pricing. Premium Memberships for homeschooling families is available for $29.99 a year and can be used for up to 5 children.

To see what my fellow Crew Mates had to say about Vocabulary Spelling City, visit the Homeschool Crew Blog to read more.

**Disclosure: My review and opinion written in this post is entirely my own. This product was provided to me for free in exchange for my review as a member of the 2012 The Old Schoolhouse Magazine Homeschool Crew.

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