Monday, September 24, 2007

3 busy days

To catch everyone up:
September 22nd (Saturday), I drove 'grandma' to the airport- she was on her way to Liberia. After leaving the airport, I made a mad dash to NW Tennessee to visit a friend over night (the kids were home with my hubby).

September 23rd (Sunday)- on the way home from Tennessee I got a phone call from hubby informing me that 'grandma' just arrived in Liberia and everyone was together at the Liberian airport. 'Grandma' was in the airport praying & giving her testimony- ds#1 couldn't talk with my hubby long as he wanted to be part of the fun! I was also informed that ds#1 had located a family member for ds#2. GREAT NEWS!

September 24th (Monday), 4am! The phone's ds#1 telling me that 'grandma' wants to talk with me. All is well (oops- she forgot the time difference...), she's met and loved on 3 of our children. Ds#2 will be 'evacuated' today- as I write this post, he's probably with 'Mother Africa' & 'Grandma' already. PRAISE GOD! Things are moving now... hopefully hubby can leave for Liberia in about 2 weeks- whenever the paperwork is ready and done for ds#2.

p.s. 'Grandma' informed me that dd#1 (dear daughter #1) doesn't like ham- it's a new taste for her ('grandma' brought some along). Ds#1 likes it though!

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